Good Morning "B" Family. B, C, and A come on out!
No, that was not the voice of Ty from Extreme Home
Makeover greeting us the other morning.
It was a TARANTULA!!!! In my kitchen!!!! Oh MY!!!
Thank goodness I don't get too freaked out of spiders but this was more than I expected. How did he get in the house? This is the second time we have spotted one in the house. The other time was about a 1 1/2 years ago in the bathroom.
We quickly got him out of the house and then I went into a picture frenzy. Of course I had to take a picture for all y'all to see. I took many pictures and at one point was holding a broom while he was crawling on it toward me. That is until my six year old came out and said, you know, he can jump 3 feet. REALLY, 3 FEET???? Mind you at this moment the tarantula was about an arms length away from me as I had him dangling on the broom in the air. Not sure if that statement was true or not and really did not want to wait and see, I quickly put him down and stepped back, way back!
What a way to start off the day.
I did not think much of it as the day passed, until I was laying in bed. While my head lay comfortably on the pillow, I began to wander if he had any friends and if so where were they lurking? I said a little prayer and tried to fall asleep ASAP!!
15 years ago
eeeeewwwww!!! I would not have taken pictures... nope! I would have run as far away from it as possible and called someone to take care of it. Unlike you I am very freaked out by spiders... and roaches, wasps, bees, etc.
You are a brave one!!
Good job at capturing the moment!!
OH MY GOSH! Very cool, but very scary. You know, Alex could have kept it as a pet in his hermit crab house. Fun! NOT! If I were you I'd install a mosquito net around my bed. EWWW!
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